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competitions of Kart racing on the ice of river
competitions of Kart racing on the ice of river
Go Karts racing increase speed in race track
Go Karts racing increase speed in race track
Go Karts increase speed in race track
Go Karts increase speed in race track
Go Karts increase speed in race track
Go Karts increase speed in race track
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV of arms and legs driving fast go-cart around the raceway during competition on the curvy raceway
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV of arms and legs driving fast go-cart around the raceway during competition on the curvy raceway
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV: Driving a fast go-kart through sharp bends of a bumpy asphalt racetrack
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV: Driving a fast go-kart through sharp bends of a bumpy asphalt racetrack
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV karting driver's hands on wheel driving on the curvy road
Bansko, Bulgaria - 17 April, 2019: POV karting driver's hands on wheel driving on the curvy road