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Earth view from space LOOP. North side and north pole changes from day to night while rotate. A layer of clauds could be seen. Alpha chanel at the end of video footage.
Earth view from space LOOP. North side and north pole changes from day to night while rotate. A layer of clauds could be seen. Alpha chanel at the end of video footage.
Earth view from space LOOP. South side (Africa, South America, Australia, South pole ) changes from day to night while rotate. A layer of clauds could be seen. Alpha chanel at the end of video footage.
Earth view from space LOOP. South side (Africa, South America, Australia, South pole ) changes from day to night while rotate. A layer of clauds could be seen. Alpha chanel at the end of video footage.
Man with golden dog makes mushroom hunting. Man in blue jeans, green windcheater and wicker basket walk through forest and find boletus mushroom in needles. Hand cut off mushroom by pocket knife.
Man with golden dog makes mushroom hunting. Man in blue jeans, green windcheater and wicker basket walk through forest and find boletus mushroom in needles. Hand cut off mushroom by pocket knife.
bug on flower
bug on flower
Insects collecting polen from silymarin flower on a sunny day
Insects collecting polen from silymarin flower on a sunny day
Bee collectin polen on silymarin flower
Bee collectin polen on silymarin flower
Bees collecting polen from silymarin flower
Bees collecting polen from silymarin flower
Bee on silymarin flower
Bee on silymarin flower